2012年2月28日 星期二

2012/02/21 上課心得


今日介紹RDA(http://access.rdatoolkit.org/) 之架構,及AACR2的Part 1,老師很貼心的為我們引導我們整理出下列幾項重點。

(1) AACR2規範哪幾種出版類型?

a. Books,Pamphlets,and Printed Sheets 圖書、小冊子及印刷手冊
b. Cartographic Materials 連續性出版品
c. Manuscripts(Including Manuscript Collections) 善本圖書

d. Music 樂譜

e. Sound Recordings 錄音

f. Motion Pictures and Videorecording 電影片和錄影資料

g. Graphic Materials 地圖資料

h. Electronic Resources 電子資源

i. Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia 立體資料

j. Microforms 微縮資料


Headings for Persons 人名

Geographic Names 地名

Headings for Corporate Bodies 團體名

Uniform Titles 書名


Main entry.The complete catalogue record of an item,
presented in the form by which the entity is to be uniformly identified and cited.
The main entry may include the tracing(s)(追尋項) (q.v.).


Added entry.An entry, additional to the main entry,
by which an item is represented in a catalogue; a secondary entry.

(5)何謂個人作者(Works of Personal Authorship)?(21.1A1)

A personal author is the person chiefly responsible for
the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work.
For particular applications of this definition, see subsequent rules in this chapter.
For persons who function solely as performers on sound recordings.

(6)何謂團體作者(Entry Under Corporate Body)?

A corporate body is an organization or a group of persons that is identified by
a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity.

Enter a work emanating from one or more corporate bodies under the heading for the appropriate corporate body
if it falls into one or more of the following categories:

a. those of an administrative nature dealing with the corporate body itself
or its internal policies, procedures, finances, and/or operations
or its officers, staff, and/or membership (e.g., directories)
or its resources (e.g., catalogues, inventories)

b. some legal, governmental, and religious works of the following types: 3
decrees of the chief executive that have the force of law
administrative regulations
court rules
treaties, etc.
court decisions
legislative hearings
religious laws (e.g., canon law)
liturgical works

c. those that record the collective thought of the body (e.g., reports of commissions, committees, etc.; official statements of position on external policies)

d. those that report the collective activity of a conference (e.g., proceedings, collected papers), of an expedition (e.g., results of exploration, investigation), or of an event (e.g., an exhibition, fair, festival) falling within the definition of a corporate body , provided that the conference, expedition, or event is named in the item being catalogued

e. those that result from the collective activity of a performing group as a whole where the responsibility of the group goes beyond that of mere performance, execution, etc. Publications resulting from such activity include sound recordings, films, video recordings, and written records of performances. (For corporate bodies that function solely as performers on sound recordings, see 21.23 .)

f. cartographic materials emanating from a corporate body other than a body that is merely responsible for their publication or distribution.


Enter a work under its title proper or, when appropriate, uniform title if:
a. the personal authorship is unknown or diffuse , and the work does not emanate from a corporate body,or
b. it is a collection of works by different persons or bodies,or
c. it emanates from a corporate body but does not fall into any of the categories given in 21.1B2  and is not of personal authorship,or
d. it is accepted as sacred scripture by a religious group.


2012年2月14日 星期二

2012/02/15 上課心得


  1. 克特的字典目錄規則第一版於1876年出版,使用直至1905年
  2. 1904年的版本較完整。
  3. 1904年,在英國圖書館學會的會議中,討論英國圖書館學會編目規則的草案。
  4. 1910年英美合作。
  5. 1967年,較像樣的英美編目規則(AACR)以兩個版本的方式出版,北美版(North American text)與英國版(British text)。兩個版本都有三個部份:第一篇,款目與標目( Part I Entry and Heading)、第二篇,著錄(Part II Description)及第三篇,非書資料(Part III Non-book materials)。
  6. 1969年,國際編目專家會議在哥本哈根舉行,台灣亦有參加。
  7. 1971年出版第一個ISBD標準。
  8. 1975年,開始編製通用的框架,即ISBD(G) ,ISBD(G)取代前面所有的ISBD,以前的ISBD分光碟、期刊......非常多細項,但ISBD(G)可以適用在所有資料。ISBD只是規範,不能拿來編目。
  9. 1974年,成立AACR修訂聯合指導委員會(JSC)。
  10. 1978年,英美編目規則第二版(AACR2)以一個版本的方式出版。AACR2分為兩個部份:第一篇, 著錄第二篇, 款目與標目
  11. 中間一直改。
  12. 現今採2005年的修訂版。


  1. 款目=一筆紀錄。
  2. 唯有流通能使書永久保存。
  3. 毛老師1972年進入輔大,1976年畢業,1978年開始工作,1984年教書。
  4. 圖書館的功能在於史資料流通,非保存資料。
  5. 漢書藝文志記錄了當時中國所有出版品。
